Genealogy Data

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      |-------of Eurasiatic, First Speaker 
|------of Eurasiatic Proper, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-Uralic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Indo-Uralic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-Tyrrhenian, First Speaker

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      |-------of Early Eurasiatic, First Speaker 
|------of Eurasiatic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Eurasiatic Proper, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Eurasiatic Proper -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-Uralic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Euro-Kartvelian, First Speaker 
|------of Early Eurasiatic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Eurasiatic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Eurasiatic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Eurasiatic Proper, First Speaker

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      |-------of Nostratic, Eurasian branch, First Speaker 
|------of Euro-Kartvelian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Early Eurasiatic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Early Eurasiatic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Eurasiatic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Nostratic, First Speaker 
|------of Nostratic, Eurasian branch, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Euro-Kartvelian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Euro-Kartvelian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Early Eurasiatic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Amerindo-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|------of Nostratic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Nostratic, Eurasian branch, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Nostratic, Eurasian branch -
, -

Gender: Female
of Euro-Kartvelian, First Speaker

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      |-------of Dene-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|------of Amerindo-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Nostratic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Nostratic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Nostratic, Eurasian branch, First Speaker

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      |-------of Caucaso-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|------of Dene-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Amerindo-Nostratic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Amerindo-Nostratic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Nostratic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Congo-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|------of Caucaso-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Dene-Nostratic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Dene-Nostratic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Amerindo-Nostratic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Late Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|------of Congo-Nostratic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Caucaso-Nostratic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Caucaso-Nostratic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Dene-Nostratic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Middle Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|------of Late Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Congo-Nostratic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Congo-Nostratic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Caucaso-Nostratic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Early Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|------of Middle Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Congo-Asian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Late Congo-Asian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Congo-Nostratic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Congo-Khoisan, First Speaker 
|------of Early Congo-Asian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Middle Congo-Asian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Middle Congo-Asian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Congo-Asian, First Speaker

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      |-------, First Advanced Speaker 
|------of Congo-Khoisan, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Early Congo-Asian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Early Congo-Asian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Middle Congo-Asian, First Speaker

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      |-------, Homo sapiens idaltu 
|------, First Advanced Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Congo-Khoisan, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Congo-Khoisan -
, -

Gender: Female
of Early Congo-Asian, First Speaker

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      |-------, Homo heidelbergensis 
|------, Homo sapiens idaltu 
|     |-------, - 
, First Advanced Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
of Congo-Khoisan, First Speaker

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      |-------, Homo erectus 
|------, Homo heidelbergensis 
|     |-------, - 
, Homo sapiens idaltu
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 200,000 Bc
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, First Advanced Speaker

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      |-------, Homo habilis 
|------, Homo erectus 
|     |-------, - 
, Homo heidelbergensis
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Homo sapiens idaltu

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      |-------, Australopithecus africanus 
|------, Homo habilis 
|     |-------, - 
, Homo erectus
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Homo heidelbergensis

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      |-------, Australopithecus afarensis 
|------, Australopithecus africanus 
|     |-------, - 
, Homo habilis
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Homo erectus