Genealogy Data

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, Erik

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Karin

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, Henrik

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Karin

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, Anders

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, Elisabet

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|------of Old Kingdom Egyptian, First Speaker 
of Middle Kingdom Egyptian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 2025 Bc
Family of Middle Kingdom Egyptian -
, N.N.

Gender: Female
of Nefrutotenen, mother

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of Old Kingdom Egyptian, First Speaker

Gender: Male
Birth : 2700 Bc
Family of Old Kingdom Egyptian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Middle Kingdom Egyptian, First Speaker

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      |-------in Tazabagyab Culture, Speaker 
|------in Bactria-Margiana Culture, Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-Aryan, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Indo-Aryan -
, -

Gender: Female
of Mitanni, Indo-Aryan

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      |-------of Late Indo-Iranian, First Speaker 
|------in Tazabagyab Culture, Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
in Bactria-Margiana Culture, Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 2000 Bc
Family in Bactria-Margiana Culture -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-Aryan, First Speaker

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      |-------of Indo-Iranian, First Speaker 
|------of Late Indo-Iranian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
in Tazabagyab Culture, Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 2100 Bc
Family in Tazabagyab Culture -
, -

Gender: Female
in Bactria-Margiana Culture, Speaker

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      |-------of Late Indo-Slavic, First Speaker 
|------of Indo-Iranian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Indo-Iranian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 2200 BC
Family of Late Indo-Iranian -
, -

Gender: Female
in Tazabagyab Culture, Speaker

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      |-------of Early Indo-Slavic, First Speaker 
|------of Late Indo-Slavic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-Iranian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 2700 BC
Family of Indo-Iranian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Indo-Iranian, First Speaker

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      |-------of Late Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker 
|------of Early Indo-Slavic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Indo-Slavic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 2900 BC
Family of Late Indo-Slavic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-Iranian, First Speaker

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      |-------of Early Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker 
|------of Late Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Early Indo-Slavic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 3100 BC
Family of Early Indo-Slavic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Indo-Slavic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Late Indo-European, First Speaker 
|------of Early Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 3400 BC
Family of Late Indo-Hellenic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Early Indo-Slavic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Indo-European Proper, First Speaker 
|------of Late Indo-European, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Early Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 3600 BC
Family of Early Indo-Hellenic -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Late Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|------of Indo-European Proper, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Indo-European, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 3800 BC
Family of Late Indo-European -
, -

Gender: Female
of Early Indo-Hellenic, First Speaker

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      |-------of Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|------of Late Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-European Proper, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 4000 BC
Family of Indo-European Proper -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Indo-European, First Speaker

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      |-------of Early Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|------of Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Late Indo-Hittite, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 4200 BC
Family of Late Indo-Hittite -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-European Proper, First Speaker

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      |-------of Indo-Tyrrhenian, First Speaker 
|------of Early Indo-Hittite, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-Hittite, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : ca 4500 BC
Family of Indo-Hittite -
, -

Gender: Female
of Late Indo-Hittite, First Speaker

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      |-------of Indo-Uralic, First Speaker 
|------of Indo-Tyrrhenian, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Early Indo-Hittite, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Early Indo-Hittite -
, -

Gender: Female
of Indo-Hittite, First Speaker

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      |-------of Eurasiatic Proper, First Speaker 
|------of Indo-Uralic, First Speaker 
|     |-------, - 
of Indo-Tyrrhenian, First Speaker
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Family of Indo-Tyrrhenian -
, -

Gender: Female
of Early Indo-Hittite, First Speaker