Genealogy Data

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of Maine, Rotger

Gender: Male
Birth : 865 in Ranska
Death : 31 October 900 in Ranska
Family of Maine - of Neustria
Marriage: 890

      |-------of Holy, Ludvig I Hurskas 
|------of Holy, Charles II Kaarle Kaljupää 
|     |-------Altdorf, Judith 
of Neustria, Rothilde
|     |-------of Metz, Buwin 
|------of Metz, Richardis 
      |-------, - 

Gender: Female
Birth : 871 in Normandy, Ranska
Death : 22 March 928
of Franks, Hugh I

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|------Beaugency, Lancelin 
Fleche, Jean
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 1042
Death : 1097
Family Fleche - of Maine
      |-------of Maine, Hugh III 
|------of Maine, Herbert I 
|     |-------, N.N. 
of Maine, Paula
|     |-------Preuilly, Gausbert 
|------Preuilly, Paule 
      |-------, Adèle 

Gender: Female
Birth : 1020
of Maine, Elias

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Chateau du Loire, Gervase

Gender: Male
Death : 1095
Family Chateau du Loire -
, -

Gender: Female
Chateau du Loire, Matilde

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Schwaben, Berthold

Gender: Male
Death : 917
Family Schwaben - of East Franks
      |-------of Holy, Ludvig I Hurskas 
|------of East Franks, Louis II the German 
|     |-------of Hesbaye, Ermengard 
of East Franks, Gisela
|     |-------in Bayern und in Schwaben, Welf 
|------Welf, Emma 
      |-------, Eigilwi (Heilwig) 

Gender: Female
der Baar, Berchthold

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of Carinthia, Ernest

Gender: Male
Family of Carinthia -
, -

Gender: Female
of Carinthia, Litwinde

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Creil, Fulcuin

Gender: Male
Birth : 900
Death : 940
Family Creil -
Marriage: 922

, Rothaïs

Gender: Female
Birth : 900
d`Alencon, Yves I

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      |-------du Maine, Roricon II 
|------du Maine, Gozfrid 
|     |-------, Bilichilde 
du Maine, Gozlin III
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 860
Death : 907
Family du Maine -
Marriage: 889

, Godehilde

Gender: Female
Birth : 865
du Maine, N.N.

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      |-------Maine, Roricon 
|------du Maine, Roricon II 
|     |-------Francie, Rotrude 
du Maine, Gozfrid
|------, Bilichilde 

Gender: Male
Birth : 835
Family du Maine -
, -

Gender: Female
du Maine, Gozlin III

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      |-------Maine, Gozlin 
|------Maine, Roricon 
|     |-------, - 
du Maine, Roricon II
|     |-------of Charlemagne, Kaarle Suuri 
|------Francie, Rotrude 
      |-------of Vinzgau, Hildegarde 

Gender: Male
Birth : 808
Death : 858
Family du Maine -
Marriage: 832

, Bilichilde

Gender: Female
Birth : 810
du Maine, Gozfrid

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|------Maine, Gozlin 
Maine, Roricon
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 770
Death : 1.3.839
Family Maine - Francie
Marriage: 800

      |-------of Franks, Pepin  (Pipin Pieni) 
|------of Charlemagne, Kaarle Suuri 
|     |-------of Laon, Bertrada (Bertha) 
Francie, Rotrude
|     |-------Vinzgau, Gerold I 
|------of Vinzgau, Hildegarde 
      |-------Schwaben, Imma 

Gender: Female
Birth : about 775
Death : 6.6.810
du Maine, Roricon II

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Maine, Gozlin

Gender: Male
Birth : 740
Family Maine -
, -

Gender: Female
Maine, Roricon

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Preuilly, Gausbert

Gender: Male
Family Preuilly -
, Adèle

Gender: Female
Preuilly, Paule

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      |-------of Orkney, Brusi 
|------of Orkney, Ragnvald II 
|     |-------, Ostrida 
Brusse, Robert
|------of Gotland, Ostrida 

Gender: Male
Birth : 1030 in Carrick, Argyllshire, Skotland
Death : 1090
Family Brusse - Brittany
      |-------0f Brittany, Godefrey 
|------Brittany, Alain III 
|     |-------Normandie, Hedwig 
Brittany, Emma
|------Blois, Bertha 

Gender: Female
Birth : 1034 in Brittany, Ranska
Death : 1094
Brucee, Adelme

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Bourgogne, Rodolphe

Gender: Male
Birth : 868
Death : 25 October 912
Family Bourgogne - Bourgogne
Marriage: 885

Bourgogne, Willa Ière

Gender: Female
Death : 914
Bourgogne, Willa II

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|------Maasgau, Giselbert I 
of Maasgau, Giselbert II
|------Hesbaye, Bertswinda 

Gender: Male
Birth : 830 in Moselle
Death : 892
Family of Maasgau - of Italy
Marriage: 846

      |-------of Holy, Ludvig I Hurskas 
|------of Italy, Lothar I 
|     |-------of Hesbaye, Ermengard 
of Italy, Ermengarde (Irmgard)
|     |-------of Orleans, Eudes (Odo) 
|------Tours, Ermengarde 
      |-------Paris, Engeltrude (Ingeltrude) 

Gender: Female
Birth : 830 in Alsace-Lorraine
Death : 864
Maasgau, Adalbert
of Lorraine, Rainer (Regnier) I

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Maasgau, Giselbert I

Gender: Male
Birth : 790 in Maagau, Ranska
Death : 842
Family Maasgau - Hesbaye
Hesbaye, Bertswinda

Gender: Female
Birth : 795
of Maasgau, Giselbert II

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Dillingen, Manegold

Gender: Male
Birth : 909
Family Dillingen -
, -

Gender: Female
Dillingen, Heilwig

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      |-------Montgomery, Roger I 
|------Montgomery, Robert II 
|     |-------d`Alencon, Mabel 
of Ponthieu, William III Talvace
|------of Ponthieu, Agnes 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1084 in Sussex, England
Death : 1171
Family of Ponthieu - of Burgundy
Marriage: 1119

      |-------of Burgundy, Henri 
|------of Burgundy, Eudes I (Borel) the Red 
|     |-------of Barcelona, Sibylle 
of Burgundy, Alice (Ela)
|     |-------Bourgogne, Guillaume I 
|------Bourgogne, Sibylle 
      |-------Longwy, Stephanie 

Gender: Female
Birth : 1080 in Burgundy, Ranska
Death : 28 February 1141 in Ponthieu, Ranska
of Ponthieu, Guy II
le Depencer, Thurston
of Ponthieu, Ela

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      |-------Montgomery, Hugh 
|------Montgomery, Roger I 
|     |-------Torfulus, Josceline 
Montgomery, Robert II
|     |-------d`Alencon, Guillaume II Talvas 
|------d`Alencon, Mabel 
      |-------Beaumont, Hildeburge 

Gender: Male
Birth : 1053 in Alencon, Eure, Ranska
Death : 1131
Family Montgomery - of Ponthieu
of Ponthieu, Agnes

Gender: Female
Birth : Ponthieu, Ranska
of Ponthieu, William III Talvace

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      |-------Burgundy, Robert I Capet 
|------of Burgundy, Henri 
|     |-------Semur-en-Brionnais, Helie 
of Burgundy, Eudes I (Borel) the Red
|------of Barcelona, Sibylle 

Gender: Male
Birth : 1058 in Burgundy, Ranska
Death : 23 March 1102 in Tarsus
Family of Burgundy - Bourgogne
Marriage: 1080

      |-------Bourgogne, Renaud I 
|------Bourgogne, Guillaume I 
|     |-------Normandy, Adelaide 
Bourgogne, Sibylle
|     |-------of Longwy, Adalbert III 
|------Longwy, Stephanie 
      |-------Foix, Clemence 

Gender: Female
Birth : 1065
Death : 23 March 1102
of Burgundy, Alice (Ela)
Bourgogne, Hugues II (Borel)