Genealogy Data

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Kock, Anders

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1730 in Raippaluoto
Death : 13 December 1777 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Kock - Kock
|------Kock, Johan 
Kock, Anna
|------Kock, Anna 

Gender: Female
Birth : 23 October 1737 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 3 June 1814 in Korsholm
Kock, Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 17 November 1759 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Erik
Kock, Anna
Gender: Female
Birth : 1767 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Abraham
Gender: Male
Birth : 30 November 1768 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Simon
Gender: Male
Birth : 9 May 1770 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 15 July 1775 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Jonas
Gender: Male
Birth : 26 June 1777 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto

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Näs, Matts

Gender: Male
Birth : 4 August 1761 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 21 April 1809 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Näs -
, Katarina

Gender: Female
Birth : 12 April 1766
Näs, Kajsa Lena

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Norrgård, Simon

Gender: Male
Birth : 18 February 1807 in Nygård, Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 29 April 1868 in Norrgård, Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Norrgård - Kock
      |-------Kock, Erik 
|------Kock, Abraham 
|     |-------Bengtas, Anna 
Kock, Anna Helena
|     |-------Näs, Matts 
|------Näs, Kajsa Lena 
      |-------, Katarina 

Gender: Female
Birth : Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 24 February 1882 in Norrgård, Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård, Anders Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 5 August 1830 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård, Simon Erik
Gender: Male
Birth : 7 September 1831 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård, Beata Sofia
Norrgård, Sven Abraham
Gender: Male
Birth : 30 April 1836 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 4 December 1882 in Norrgård, Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård, Israel
Gender: Male
Birth : 20 August 1837 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård-Bligt, Jonas Wilhelm
Gender: Male
Birth : 25 June 1843 in Norrgård, Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård, Johanna Fredrika
Gender: Female
Birth : 11 January 1846 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 15 January 1872 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Norrgård-Nabb, Iisak Herman
Gender: Male
Birth : 19 September 1848 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 4 June 1914 in Raippaluoto

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      |-------Kock, Erik 
|------Kock, Abraham 
|     |-------Bengtas, Anna 
Kock, Karl Fredrik
|     |-------Näs, Matts 
|------Näs, Kajsa Lena 
      |-------, Katarina 

Gender: Male
Birth : 17 June 1821 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Kock - Wargelin-Bengtas
|------Wargelin, Jonas Wilhelm 
Wargelin-Bengtas, Wilhelmina
|------, Susanna 

Gender: Female
Birth : 17 November 1822 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Karl Fredrik
Gender: Male
Birth : 25 May 1842 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 25 May 1842
Bengtas, Johannes
Gender: Male
Birth : 30 May 1843 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 5 November 1847
Bengtas, Abraham Anders
Gender: Male
Birth : 13 October 1844 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 8 February 1897 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Maria Lovisa
Gender: Female
Birth : 21 July 1847 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 3 March 1868 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Anna Lena
Gender: Female
Birth : 28 August 1849 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Johannes
Gender: Male
Birth : 6 January 1852 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Wilhelmina
Gender: Female
Birth : about 11 November 1853 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 24 October 1861
Bengtas, Mina Sofia
Gender: Female
Birth : 9 July 1854 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Eva Lisa
Bengtas, Dödfödd
Gender: Female
Birth : 29 July 1859 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 29 July 1859
Bengtas, Israel Wilhelm
Gender: Male
Birth : 22 September 1860 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 12 October 1861
Bengtas, Beata Sofia
Gender: Female
Birth : 8 February 1863 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Bengtas, Karl Herman
Gender: Male
Birth : 21 October 1865 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto

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Backlund, Karl Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : 8 September 1833 in Flygar, Munsala
Family Backlund - Norrgård
|------Norrgård, Simon 
Norrgård, Beata Sofia
|     |-------Kock, Abraham 
|------Kock, Anna Helena 
      |-------Näs, Kajsa Lena 

Gender: Female
Birth : 26 February 1835 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 13 May 1886 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Anna Sofia
Gender: Female
Birth : 16 January 1856 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Backlund, Johannes
Backlund, Johanna Sofia
Gender: Female
Birth : 26 September 1861

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|------Backlund, Karl Johan 
Backlund, Johannes
|     |-------Norrgård, Simon 
|------Norrgård, Beata Sofia 
      |-------Kock, Anna Helena 

Gender: Male
Birth : 15 September 1858 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 31 July 1898 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Backlund - Bengtas
      |-------Kock, Abraham 
|------Kock, Karl Fredrik 
|     |-------Näs, Kajsa Lena 
Bengtas, Eva Lisa
|     |-------Wargelin, Jonas Wilhelm 
|------Wargelin-Bengtas, Wilhelmina 
      |-------, Susanna 

Gender: Female
Birth : 16 June 1857 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Backlund, Karl-Erik
Backlund, Maria Amanda
Gender: Female
Birth : 22 February 1881 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 22 November 1881
Backlund, Maria Adelina
Gender: Female
Birth : 26 August 1882 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 24 July 1895
Backlund, Anders Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 4 January 1886 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 25 November 1929
Backlund, Emil
Gender: Male
Birth : 19 December 1887 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Backlund, Hilda Sofia
Gender: Female
Birth : 24 June 1890 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto

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      |-------Kapell, Matts 
|------Kapell, Anders 
|     |-------, Maria 
Kapell, Elias
|     |-------, Johan 
|------Kapell, Gertrud 
      |-------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 27 August 1698 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
|------, Johan 
, Lisa
|------, - 

Gender: Female
Birth : Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kapell, Utan Namn
Birth : 3 October 1722 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Elias
Gender: Male
Birth : 16 October 1723 in Raippaluoto
Death : 23 February 1724 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Malin
Gender: Female
Birth : 12 March 1725 in Raippaluoto
Death : 6 June 1725 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 19 June 1726 in Raippaluoto
Death : 17 October 1726 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Beata
Gender: Female
Birth : 23 August 1728 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Israel
Gender: Male
Birth : 16 April 1730 in Raippaluoto
Death : 18 January 1732 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Lisa
Gender: Female
Birth : 1 October 1731 in Raippaluoto
Death : 7 September 1732 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Anna
Kapell, Elias
Gender: Male
Birth : 1 November 1734 in Raippaluoto
Death : 11.1743 in Raippaluoto

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      |-------Kapell, Matts 
|------Kapell, Matts 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Anders
|     |-------, Tomas 
|------, Maria 
      |-------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 6 November 1678 in Raippaluoto
Death : about 26 May 1723 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell - Kapell
|------, Johan 
Kapell, Gertrud
|------, - 

Gender: Female
Birth : about 1670
Kapell, Elias
Kapell, Margeta
Gender: Female
Birth : 8 July 1700 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Gertrud
Gender: Female
Birth : about 1702 in Mustasaari
Death : 18 November 1772 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Sara
Gender: Female
Birth : 29 December 1705 in Raippaluoto
Death : 29 June 1706 in Raippaluoto

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      |-------Kapell, Erik 
|------Kapell, Matts 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Matts
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : 1640 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
|------, Tomas 
, Maria
|------, - 

Gender: Female
Birth : about 1650
Kapell, Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 11 August 1674 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Olof
Gender: Male
Birth : 29 July 1675 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Barn
Birth : 12 April 1677 in Raippaluoto
Death : 1677
Kapell, Anders
Kapell, Matts
Gender: Male
Birth : about 14 April 1679
Kapell, Beata
Gender: Female
Birth : 20 August 1687 in Raippaluoto

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      |-------Kapell, Lars 
|------Kapell, Erik 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Matts
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1580 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
, -

Gender: Female
Kapell, Erik
Gender: Male
Birth : about 1620 in Raippaluoto
Death : Raippaluoto
Kapell, Matts

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      |-------Kapell, Olof 
|------Kapell, Lars 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Erik
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1550 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
, -

Gender: Female
Kapell, Bengt
Gender: Male
Birth : 1572 in Raippaluoto
Kapell, Matts

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      |-------Kapell, Matts 
|------Kapell, Olof 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Lars
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1520 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
, -

Gender: Female
Kapell, Erik

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      |-------, Nils 
|------Kapell, Matts 
|     |-------, - 
Kapell, Olof
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1500 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
, -

Gender: Female
Kapell, Lars

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|------, Nils 
Kapell, Matts
|------, - 

Gender: Male
Birth : about 1480 in Raippaluoto
Family Kapell -
, -

Gender: Female
Kapell, Olof
Kapell, Eskil
Gender: Male
Birth : about 1520 in Raippaluoto

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Kock, Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : about 5.1688 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Family Kock - Kock
Kock, Anna

Gender: Female
Birth : about 1690 in Raippaluoto
Death : about 1770 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Beata
Gender: Female
Birth : 8 October 1720 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Anna
Gender: Female
Birth : 29 July 1722 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Margareta
Gender: Female
Birth : 9 December 1723 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Karl
Gender: Male
Birth : 1 March 1727 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Malin
Gender: Female
Birth : 23 November 1728 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Kock, Anna
Gender: Female
Birth : 11 March 1731 in Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 11 December 1731
Kock, Anna

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, Bertil

Gender: Male
Family -
, -

Gender: Female
, N.N.

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|------Näs, Carl Fredrik 
Näs, Karl Wilhelm
|------Skog, Brita 

Gender: Male
Birth : 27 May 1849 in Raippaluoto
Family Näs - Brink
|------Brink, Johan 
Brink, Lisa Helena
|------Sand, Greta Sofia 

Gender: Female
Birth : 18 December 1847 in Raippaluoto
Näs, Hilda Amanda

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Näs, Carl Fredrik

Gender: Male
Birth : 18 June 1816 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 8 April 1868
Family Näs - Skog
Skog, Brita

Gender: Female
Birth : 1818 in Raippaluoto
Näs, Anders Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 22 February 1845 in Norra Vallgrund, Raippaluoto
Death : 11 April 1927
Näs, Karl Wilhelm

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Brink, Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : 12 September 1812 in Raippaluoto
Family Brink - Sand
Sand, Greta Sofia

Gender: Female
Birth : 14 April 1814 in Raippaluoto
Brink, Johan
Gender: Male
Birth : 1 October 1835 in Raippaluoto
Brink, Lisa Helena

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Wargelin, Jonas Wilhelm

Gender: Male
Birth : 18 November 1791 in Koivulahti
Family Wargelin -
, Susanna

Gender: Female
Birth : 3 October 1791 in Koivulahti
Wargelin-Bengtas, Wilhelmina