Genealogy Data

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Rank, Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : 1885
Death : 1961
Family Rank - Vidner
Vidner, Maria Lovisa

Gender: Female
Birth : 1886
Death : 1951

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Andersson, Evald

Gender: Male
Birth : 1899
Death : 1993
Family Andersson -
, Ingeborg

Gender: Female
Birth : 1903
Death : 1991

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Karlsson, aik. Redlig, Reinhold

Gender: Male
Family Karlsson, aik. Redlig - Backström
Backström, Maria Johanna

Gender: Female
Birth : 1880
Death : 1962

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Haapa, Matts

Gender: Male
Birth : 1852
Death : 1904
Family Haapa - Höijer
Höijer, Sanna Lisa

Gender: Female
Birth : 1856
Death : 1932
Haapa, Jakob

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Jurvelius, Rafael

Gender: Male
Birth : 1899
Death : 1988
Family Jurvelius - Rantanen
Rantanen, Berta

Gender: Female
Birth : 1899
Death : 1986

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Nybonde, Reinhold

Gender: Male
Birth : 1892
Death : 1945
Family Nybonde - Redig
Redig, Maria

Gender: Female
Birth : 1887
Death : 1972

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Nykvist, Viktor

Gender: Male
Birth : 1903
Death : 1992
Family Nykvist - Norrgård
Norrgård, Gerda

Gender: Female
Birth : 1907
Death : 1980

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Lindvall, August

Gender: Male
Birth : 1899
Death : 1986
Family Lindvall - Åström
Åström, Ida

Gender: Female
Birth : 1905
Death : 1975

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Seiplax, Erik

Gender: Male
Birth : 1829
Death : 1891
Family Seiplax - Harjux
Harjux, Maja Lovisa

Gender: Female
Birth : 1833
Seiplax, Kristian Wilhelm

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      |-------Seiplax, Erik 
|------Seiplax, Kristian Wilhelm 
|     |-------Harjux, Maja Lovisa 
Lax, Kristian Edvard
|     |-------Seiplax, Matts 
|------Seiplax, Maria 
      |-------Knuters, Maja Stina 

Gender: Male
Birth : 22 December 1893 in Oravainen
Death : 29 January 1957 in Seattle, WA, USA
Family Lax - Wisén
Wisén, Anna Irene

Gender: Female
Birth : 8 February 1899 in Munsala
Death : 6 April 1927 in Seattle, WA, USA

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|------Knuters, Erik 
Blomqvist, aik. Knuters, Matts Henrik
|------Lassus, Johanna 

Gender: Male
Birth : 27 September 1894 in Oravainen
Death : 25 June 1951 in Oravainen
Family Blomqvist, aik. Knuters - Lax
      |-------Seiplax, Erik 
|------Seiplax, Kristian Wilhelm 
|     |-------Harjux, Maja Lovisa 
Lax, Anna Sofia
|     |-------Seiplax, Matts 
|------Seiplax, Maria 
      |-------Knuters, Maja Stina 

Gender: Female
Birth : 3 June 1900 in Oravainen
Death : 22 February 1937 in Oravainen

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|------Lassus, Henrik 
Lassus, Henrik
|------Hannus, Anna Kajsa 

Gender: Male
Birth : 5 January 1898 in Oravainen
Death : 17 May 1962 in Oravainen
Family Lassus - Lax
      |-------Seiplax, Erik 
|------Seiplax, Kristian Wilhelm 
|     |-------Harjux, Maja Lovisa 
Lax, Hilma Katarina
|     |-------Seiplax, Matts 
|------Seiplax, Maria 
      |-------Knuters, Maja Stina 

Gender: Female
Birth : 15 August 1902 in Oravainen
Death : 27 March 1993 in Oravainen

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Knuters, Erik

Gender: Male
Birth : 1866
Death : 1940
Family Knuters - Lassus
Lassus, Johanna

Gender: Female
Birth : 1869
Death : 1948
Blomqvist, aik. Knuters, Matts Henrik

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Simons, Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : 1877
Family Simons - Knuts
Knuts, Aina Maria

Gender: Female
Birth : 1887
Death : 1962

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Nybacka, Oskar

Gender: Male
Birth : 1891
Death : 1945
Family Nybacka - Nygård
Nygård, Anna Selina

Gender: Female
Birth : 1902
Death : 1990

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Dahl, Leonard

Gender: Male
Birth : 1904
Death : 1977
Family Dahl - Björk
Björk, Valdine

Gender: Female
Birth : 1910
Death : 1974

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Nygård, Johan

Gender: Male
Birth : 1863
Death : 1940
Family Nygård -
, Hilda

Gender: Female
Death : 1970

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Karlsson, Alf

Gender: Male
Birth : 1906
Death : 1965
Family Karlsson - Almqvist
Almqvist, Anna Sylvia

Gender: Female
Birth : 1908

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Sundström, Alfred

Gender: Male
Birth : 1906
Death : 1980
Family Sundström - Anttila
Anttila, Elisabeth

Gender: Female
Birth : 1900
Death : 1973

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Lassus, Henrik

Gender: Male
Birth : 1863
Death : 1901
Family Lassus - Hannus
Hannus, Anna Kajsa

Gender: Female
Birth : 1857
Death : 1939
Lassus, Henrik